10 Years Anniversary!


10 years ago today, January 23, 2011, a gentleman by the name of Greg Mitchell was out looking for a lost dog named Tanner. He had been out looking for lost dogs before and knew all too well that time was of the essence when there was a sighting of a lost dog. 

Back in the beginning, a group of people would share their name and cell number and go out looking for a lost dog. They would drive up and down streets with their flashers on looking for the lost dog. If you were going to turn onto a street and saw someone with their flashers on, you would go down a different street. 

When someone saw the dog, they would text one of the team members and the sighting would be passed on this way. By the time you received the sighting and got to the location, the dog was long gone. 

After feeling a little frustrated, Greg thought there had to be another way to communicate with everyone. He went home that night and created the Facebook page. Not sure what the name should be, he called Rhonda Cook, and together they came up with Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert.

Since that day we have come a long way. From being a page of 100 to 47,000 LIKES and becoming a Registered Charity. We don’t just assist the lost/found dogs in Winnipeg but all of Manitoba.

There are so many stories to share, and we would love to share a few with you.

First off, there is Tanner. Tanner had just been adopted and on his way to his new home. When they got home and opened the car door, Tanner jumped out the open door and took off. He had been spotted crossing Portage Ave and down by the river. We had been following him for days and he knew it. As soon as he saw someone looking at him, he would bolt. Then one day he gave in (was most likely tired of running) and was spotted sitting on someone’s front steps. He was approached and apprehended but not without a fight. 

Next, we can’t forget little white fluffy Zoey who snuck out of the house one very cold cold day and went on a stroll. She ended up hiding in a culvert underneath Main Street. We could not see her but we knew she was there. We were worried because we did not know where this culvert went to or if there were drains she could fall into. Her parents and volunteers did shifts to watch the trap that was set up for her all through that cold night. It was 40 below and not nice to be out there. Morning came and still no Zoey. City workers were out and they were across the street banging on some pipes. The noise from the banging could be heard by the entrance of the culvert where she was last seen. It was early in the morning and her little brothers came out to help. When they heard the banging from the pipes, they began to bark. Well, guess who had to come out to see what her brothers were barking at? Her dad picked her up right away thinking she must be freezing, when in fact she was toasty warm and happy to be back with her family.

We must mention  Dozer. Went missing for 51 days! Words from his owner, Cheryl:      Have a tissue ready!

Greg Mitchell posted “The effort and lengths that Dave and Cheryl went to find and save their cherished family member Dozer was beyond awesome and very inspiring. They never ever gave up.”

Dozer and Greg Mitchell                                      Dozer kissing Rhonda Cook

Then there was little timid Steve O that took off from home. There were volunteers out looking for Steve and handing out posters. The next day someone thought they heard a dog whimpering under their trailer home. They had been working under there the day before and had closed up the skirting when they were done. Because they knew about the missing dog named Steve O from the poster they received, they decided to check under their trailer home, and there he was, whimpering because he could not get out. 

There are so many happy and sad stories and we are proud to be a part of them and to be able to do what we can to assist in getting these babies home. You must have your story too. If you would like to share your story on our website, please send it to web@winnipeglostdogalert.com 

There are tons of people we need to thank that have done something special for WLDA in one way or another. You know who you are.

People like Claudia for our first trap, and Margaret for coming up with the forms we use now. Miscellaneous board members like Denise Sitter, Corinne Nykorak, Cheryl (Dozer’s human that never gave up), Margaret Vink, Laurie Mustard, Bob Axworthy, Janelle McLeod, just to name a few. Dan, who has been our accountant since almost the beginning. 

We must give a special thanks to all the Facebook Admins, past and present. They are on the front lines getting the information out about the lost and found dogs. They are the ones that cheer when the dogs are reunited with their family. Nothing beats that kind of feeling. They also cry when it’s not a happy ending. They help the finders and owners work through some tips that guide them to getting the dogs home. Our Admins are special angels to the lost animals posted on our page.

Winnipeg Animal Service for constantly watching our page and letting us know when a dog has come into their building. Winnipeg Humane Society works with us when we have information.

RBC for their donations.

Sunova for their sponsorship.

All the many, many volunteers from the past and present, that went out looking, or printed posters, or handed out posters, or went to events, or helped put on events for WLDA. People who donated cash and equipment. 

The present board members (Ted, Janet, Audrey, Anna, Tracy, and Kim) want to thank you all for your support, kindness, time, and money.

So, thank you all very much and here’s to the next 100 years.

Thank you Manitoba!


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